The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 2 - R.I.B.I. Secretaries

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The British Association of Rotary Clubs (formed in 1913) succeeded by Rotary International British Isles or G. B. and I., has been most fortunate in the men who have served as Secretary. Thos. Stephenson of Edinburgh was Hon. Secretary from the 1913 formation to 1921. Tom went on to be President of R.I.B.I. in 1927-28 and the writer served on the R. I. Board with him in 1928-29. We got to know each other very well and Tom was a grand man. He had aspirations to become President of R. I. but did not make it. In 1921 Vivian Carter who was a well known literary figure, became the first full time Secretary of R.I.B.I. in 1921 and served with distinction until 1928 when he came to Chicago as Editor of The Rotarian. I, being a Canadian, was given a place on the magazine committee perhaps because, like Vivian, I was British and might be of some help. Vivian, or his family, never seemed to fit into Chicago life very well and his tenure as Editor was short. He returned to free lance writing in England and in 1947 he wrote, for R.I.B.I. a fine book "The Romance of Rotary in London".

When Vivian moved to Chicago in 1928 he was succeeded by W. W. Blair-Fish as Secretary of R.I.B.I. He was capable and likeable and carried on until 1937. We met several times at R. I. conventions.

In 1937 H. S. Banner, B. A. - F. R. G. S. took over the job and carried on until 1941.

In 1941 Fred Hickson, F.C.I.S. who had been with R.I.B.I. since 1923 became General Secretary and did a splendid job until forced to retire April 1st, 1954. He had then been quite ill for many months. Fred and I met almost yearly at the R.I. conventions and several times we worked together on the British Empire (Commonwealth) Dinners, which dinner is one of the very important convention events.

On April 1st, 1954 Ronald W. Wordley, who had joined R.I.B.I. in 1934 and who had been made Asst. Secretary in 1947, became General Secretary. He had already proven himself during the long illness of Fred Hickson.

J. A. C.

[Above left] - VIVIAN CARTER served as Secretary of R.I.B.I. from 1921 to 1928. He did a grand job and then moved to Chicago as Editor of The Rotarian and remained only a year or so as Chicago did not suit Vivian or his family. Vivian was and is a grand fellow and a fine writer.

[Above right] - W. W. BLAIR-FISH succeeded Vivian Carter as Secretary of R.I.B.I. and continued from 1928 to 1937. He also did a grand job for Rotary in the British Isles.

[Above left] - H. S. BANNER, B.A.-F.R.G.S. - General Secretary of R.I.B.I. from 1937 to 1941. It was not my good fortune to know H.B. well.

[Above right] - FRED C. HICKSON - F.C.I.S. Fred was Secretary of R.I.B.I. from 1941 to 1954. He did an outstanding job but was forced to retire March 31,1954 owing to poor health. I got to know Fred very well over the years as each of us had work to do in connection with the British (Empire) Commonwealth dinners held at the annual conventions of R.I. Fred always had all details in good order for this important event and was proud of the fact that every year a small surplus was on hand after all bills were paid. This showed a canny attitude and that he was a master of detail. Fred Hickson was sorely missed at the last convention and will be missed this year. As this is written his condition is critical but all will hope he will regain his health. In the meantime, Ron Wordley, his well coached assistant, takes over and he also should carry on the splendid record made by his four predecessors and not forgetting the original secretary of the British Association of Rotary Clubs, Tom Stephenson of Edinburgh, who was chosen at Liverpool in 1913 when the Association was formed. [After Notes by Caulder: FRED C. HICKSON joined R.I.B.I. in 1923. FREDERICK C. HICKSON Deceased Oct. 5th, 1955]

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